According to G Suite Toolbox there is a CName pointing to the right place but it still dosnt work in 000webhost

I’m trying to point my domain CNAME to 000webhost from GoDaddy. I followed all the instructions and waited for 48hrs and it still tells me that “Domain MY_DOMAIN CNAME must be pointed to MY_DOMAIN.000webhostapp” which it is and I’ve tested on other online network CNAME checkers to verify that it is indeed pointed to the right place
I cannot change the Nameservers

Heres the proof :wink:

P.S. for now, I am forwarding my domain to but that is not a good solution for me as some things don’t work as expected. Hopefully, it is my mistake and is easily solved otherwise I might need to switch to AWS or some other service.

Try using and seems to work a lot better than CNAME sorry.

As Infinity suggested… Use name servers instead of cname.

Hi Infinity,

I can’t change the name servers because I need to use Mail Gun. I need full control over the DNS.

Your website “” is working fine but the webpage its not being hosted here on 000webhost.

They are just URL forwarding as they’ve said.

Once you’ve set nameservers to 000webhost you can set an MX record within 000webhost for alternative services.

Once I’ve set my name servers to 000webhost is there a way to set additional CName, MX, and TXT, records? I’ve looked everywhere on 000webhost but could not find where I can do that unless I pay

I’m pretty sure there is some way I’ll have a look now.


I need to be able to set 2 TXT records (also known as SPF & DKIM) as well as two MX records. All I see is an option to add 1 MX record

Oh jeez I can only find the MX record at the minute.

You could try to now revert back to CNAME record to see if it works?
Not 100%

I use the premium package so I can set all my domain stuff within the control panel :frowning: